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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Router;
trait RewriteRouting {
* Try to parse first word from request path to get proper routes group.
* If there is no first word in request path, get default routes group.
* If there is any configured pre-routing handler, execute the handler to
* for example load only specific routes from database or anything else.
* Go through all chosen routes and check if route is possible to use for
* current request. Then try to match route by given request. If route doesn't
* match the request, continue to another route and try to complete current
* route object. If route matches the request, set up default and request
* params and try to process route filtering in. If it is successful, set
* up current route object and end route matching process.
* @param string|NULL $requestCtrlName Possible controller name value or `NULL` assigned directly
* from request object in `\MvcCore\router::routeDetectStrategy();`
* @param string|NULL $requestActionName Possible action name value or `NULL` assigned directly
* from request object in `\MvcCore\router::routeDetectStrategy();`
* @throws \LogicException Route configuration property is missing.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException Wrong route pattern format.
* @return void
protected function rewriteRouting ($requestCtrlName, $requestActionName) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Router */
$request = $this->request;
$requestedPathFirstWord = $this->rewriteRoutingGetReqPathFirstWord();
$routes = $this->rewriteRoutingGetRoutesToMatch($requestedPathFirstWord);
$requestMethod = $request->GetMethod();
foreach ($routes as & $route) {
/** @var $route \MvcCore\Route */
if ($this->rewriteRoutingCheckRoute($route, [$requestMethod])) continue;
$allMatchedParams = $route->Matches($request);
if ($allMatchedParams !== NULL) {
$this->currentRoute = clone $route;
$allMatchedParams, $requestCtrlName, $requestActionName
if ($this->rewriteRoutingSetRequestParams($allMatchedParams)) continue;
* Parse first word from request path - first element between first two slashes.
* Return for example from `/eshop/detail/name` first word `eshop`.
* If there is no first word in request path, return an empty string.
* @return string
protected function rewriteRoutingGetReqPathFirstWord () {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Router */
$requestedPath = ltrim($this->request->GetPath(), '/');
$nextSlashPos = mb_strpos($requestedPath, '/');
if ($nextSlashPos === FALSE) $nextSlashPos = mb_strlen($requestedPath);
return mb_substr($requestedPath, 0, $nextSlashPos);
* Call any configured pre-route matching handler with first parsed word from
* requested path and with request object to load for example from database
* only routes you need to use for routing, not all of them.
* @param string $firstPathWord
* @return void
protected function rewriteRoutingProcessPreHandler ($firstPathWord) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Router */
if ($this->preRouteMatchingHandler === NULL) return;
call_user_func($this->preRouteMatchingHandler, $this, $this->request, $firstPathWord);
* Get specific routes group by first parsed word from request path if any.
* If first path word is an empty string, there is returned routes with no group
* word defined. If still there are no such routes in default group, returned
* is an empty array.
* @param string $firstPathWord
* @return array|\MvcCore\Route[]
protected function rewriteRoutingGetRoutesToMatch ($firstPathWord) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Router */
if (isset($this->routesGroups[$firstPathWord])) {
$routes = $this->routesGroups[$firstPathWord];
} else if (isset($this->routesGroups[''])) {
$routes = $this->routesGroups[''];
} else {
$routes = [];
return $routes;
* Return `TRUE` if there is possible by additional info array records
* to route request by given route as first argument. For example if route
* object has defined http method and request has the same method or not
* or much more by additional info array records in extended classes.
* @param \MvcCore\IRoute $route
* @param array $additionalInfo
* @return bool
protected function rewriteRoutingCheckRoute (\MvcCore\IRoute $route, array $additionalInfo) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Router */
list ($requestMethod,) = $additionalInfo;
$routeMethod = $route->GetMethod();
if ($routeMethod !== NULL && $routeMethod !== $requestMethod) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* When route is matched, set up request and default params.
* Request params are necessary to complete any `self` URL, to route request
* properly, to complete canonical URL and to process possible route redirection.
* Default params are necessary to handle route filtering in and out and to
* complete URL by any other route name for case, when some required param
* is not presented in second `$params` argument in Url() method (then the
* param is assigned from default params).
* This method also completes any missing `controller` or `action` param
* values with default values. Request params can not contain those
* automatically completed values, only values really requested.
* @param array $allMatchedParams All matched params completed `\MvcCore\Route::Matches();`,
* where could be controller and action if it is defined in
* route object, default param values from route and all
* rewrite params parsed by route.
* @param string|NULL $requestCtrlName Possible controller name value or `NULL` assigned directly
* from request object in `\MvcCore\router::routeDetectStrategy();`
* @param string|NULL $requestActionName Possible action name value or `NULL` assigned directly from
* request object in `\MvcCore\router::routeDetectStrategy();`
* @return void
protected function rewriteRoutingSetRequestedAndDefaultParams (array & $allMatchedParams, $requestCtrlName = NULL, $requestActionName = NULL) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Router */
// in array `$allMatchedParams` - there could be sometimes presented matched
// or route specified values from configuration already, under keys `controller` and
// `action`, always with a value, never with `NULL`
/** @var $request \MvcCore\Request */
$request = $this->request;
$rawQueryParams = array_merge([], $request->GetParams(FALSE));
// complete controller and action from any possible source
list($ctrlDfltNamePc, $actionDfltNamePc) = $this->application->GetDefaultControllerAndActionNames();
$toolClass = self::$toolClass;
if ($requestCtrlName !== NULL) {
$allMatchedParams[static::URL_PARAM_CONTROLLER] = $requestCtrlName;
$rawQueryParams[static::URL_PARAM_CONTROLLER] = $requestCtrlName;
} else if (isset($allMatchedParams[static::URL_PARAM_CONTROLLER])) {
} else {
$defaultCtrlNameDashed = $toolClass::GetDashedFromPascalCase($ctrlDfltNamePc);
$allMatchedParams[static::URL_PARAM_CONTROLLER] = $defaultCtrlNameDashed;
if ($requestActionName !== NULL) {
$allMatchedParams[static::URL_PARAM_ACTION] = $requestActionName;
$rawQueryParams[static::URL_PARAM_ACTION] = $requestActionName;
} else if (isset($allMatchedParams[static::URL_PARAM_ACTION])) {
} else {
$defaultActionNameDashed = $toolClass::GetDashedFromPascalCase($actionDfltNamePc);
$allMatchedParams[static::URL_PARAM_ACTION] = $defaultActionNameDashed;
// complete params for request object - there have to be everything including ctrl and action
$this->defaultParams = array_merge(
// default params are merged with previous default params to have
// possibility to add domain params by extended module router
$this->currentRoute->GetDefaults(), $this->defaultParams,
$allMatchedParams, $rawQueryParams
// redirect route with strictly defined match regular expression and not defined reverse could have `NULL` method result:
$routeReverseParams = $this->currentRoute->GetReverseParams() ?: [];
// complete really matched params from path - unset ctrl and action if ctrl and even action are not in pattern
$pathOnlyMatchedParams = array_merge([], $allMatchedParams);
$controllerInReverse = in_array(static::URL_PARAM_CONTROLLER, $routeReverseParams, TRUE);
$actionInReverse = in_array(static::URL_PARAM_ACTION, $routeReverseParams, TRUE);
if (!$controllerInReverse) unset($pathOnlyMatchedParams[static::URL_PARAM_CONTROLLER]);
if (!$actionInReverse) unset($pathOnlyMatchedParams[static::URL_PARAM_ACTION]);
// requested params - all really requested params for self URL addresses
// building base params array, parsed from path, merged with all query params
// and merged later with given params array into method `Url()`.
// There cannot be `controller` and `action` keys from route configuration,
// only if ctrl and action is defined by query string, that's different
$this->requestedParams = array_merge([], $pathOnlyMatchedParams, $rawQueryParams);
* Filter route in and if filtering is not successful, return `TRUE` about
* continuing another route matching. If filtering is successful, set matched
* controller and action into request object and return `TRUE` to finish routes
* matching process.
* @param array $allMatchedParams All matched params completed `\MvcCore\Route::Matches();`,
* where could be controller and action if it is defined in
* route object, default param values from route and all
* rewrite params parsed by route.
* @return bool
protected function rewriteRoutingSetRequestParams (array & $allMatchedParams) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Router */
$request = $this->request;
$defaultParamsBefore = array_merge([], $this->defaultParams);
$requestParams = array_merge([], $this->defaultParams);
// filter request params
list($success, $requestParamsFiltered) = $this->currentRoute->Filter(
$requestParams, $this->defaultParams, \MvcCore\IRoute::CONFIG_FILTER_IN
if ($success === FALSE) {
$this->defaultParams = $defaultParamsBefore;
$this->requestedParams = [];
$allMatchedParams = NULL;
$this->currentRoute = NULL;
return TRUE;
$requestParamsFiltered = $requestParamsFiltered ?: $requestParams;
if (isset($requestParamsFiltered[static::URL_PARAM_CONTROLLER]))
if (isset($requestParamsFiltered[static::URL_PARAM_ACTION]))
return FALSE;
* Set up into current route controller and action
* in pascal case from request object.
* @return void
protected function rewriteRoutingSetUpCurrentRouteByRequest () {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Router */
$request = $this->request;
$toolClass = self::$toolClass;
->SetController(str_replace(['/', '\\\\'], ['\\', '//'],