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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Router;
trait RouteMethods {
* @inheritDocs
* @param \MvcCore\Route[]|array $routes
* Keyed array with routes, keys are route names or route
* `Controller::Action` definitions.
* @param string|NULL $groupName
* Group name is first matched/parsed word in requested path to
* group routes by to try to match only routes you really need,
* not all of them. If `NULL` by default, routes are inserted
* into default group.
* @param bool $autoInitialize
* If `TRUE`, locale routes array is cleaned and then all
* routes (or configuration arrays) are sent into method
* `$router->AddRoutes();`, where are routes auto initialized
* for missing route names or route controller or route action
* record, completed always from array keys. You can you `FALSE`
* to set routes without any change or auto-initialization, it
* could be useful to restore cached routes etc.
* @return \MvcCore\Router
public function SetRoutes ($routes = [], $groupName = NULL, $autoInitialize = TRUE) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Router */
if ($autoInitialize) {
$this->routes = [];
$this->AddRoutes($routes, $groupName);
} else {
$routesAreEmpty = count($routes) === 0;
$noGroupNameDefined = $groupName === NULL;
// complete URL routes and routes with name keys
$newRoutes = [];
$this->urlRoutes = [];
foreach ($routes as $route) {
$routeName = $route->GetName();
$newRoutes[$routeName] = $route;
$this->urlRoutes[$routeName] = $route;
$controllerAction = $route->GetControllerAction();
if ($controllerAction !== ':')
$this->urlRoutes[$controllerAction] = $route;
if ($noGroupNameDefined) {
$routeGroupName = $route->GetGroupName();
if ($routeGroupName === NULL) $routeGroupName = '';
if (!array_key_exists($routeGroupName, $this->routesGroups))
$this->routesGroups[$routeGroupName] = [];
$this->routesGroups[$routeGroupName][] = $route;
$this->routes = $newRoutes;
if ($noGroupNameDefined) {
if ($routesAreEmpty) {
$this->routesGroups = [];
$this->noUrlRoutes = [];
$this->routesGroups[''] = $newRoutes;
} else {
$this->routesGroups[$groupName] = $newRoutes;
$this->anyRoutesConfigured = (!$routesAreEmpty) || $this->preRouteMatchingHandler !== NULL;
return $this;
* @inheritDocs
* @param \MvcCore\Route[]|array $routes
* Keyed array with routes, keys are route names or route
* `Controller::Action` definitions.
* @param string|NULL $groupName
* Group name is first matched/parsed word in requested path to
* group routes by to try to match only routes you really need,
* not all of them. If `NULL` by default, routes are inserted
* into default group.
* @param bool $prepend
* Optional, if `TRUE`, all given routes will be prepended from
* the last to the first in given list, not appended.
* @param bool $throwExceptionForDuplication
* `TRUE` by default. Throw an exception, if route `name` or
* route `Controller:Action` has been defined already. If
* `FALSE` old route is over-written by new one.
* @return \MvcCore\Router
public function AddRoutes (array $routes = [], $groupName = NULL, $prepend = FALSE, $throwExceptionForDuplication = TRUE) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Router */
if ($prepend) $routes = array_reverse($routes);
$routeClass = self::$routeClass;
foreach ($routes as $routeName => & $route) {
$numericKey = is_numeric($routeName);
$ctrlActionName = !$numericKey && mb_strpos($routeName, ':') !== FALSE;
if ($route instanceof \MvcCore\IRoute) {
if ($numericKey) {
if (!$route->GetName()) {
$routeAutoName = $route->GetControllerAction();
if ($routeAutoName === ':') $routeAutoName = 'Route_' . $routeName;
} else {
if ($ctrlActionName) {
} else if ($route->GetName() !== $routeName && $route->GetName() === $route->GetControllerAction()) {
if ($route->GetName() === NULL)
$route, $groupName, $prepend, $throwExceptionForDuplication
} else if (is_array($route)) {
if (!$numericKey)
$route[$ctrlActionName ? 'controllerAction' : 'name'] = $routeName;
$groupName, $prepend, $throwExceptionForDuplication
} else if (is_string($route)) {
// route name is always Controller:Action
$routeCfgData = ['pattern' => $route];
$routeCfgData[$ctrlActionName ? 'controllerAction' : 'name'] = $routeName;
$groupName, $prepend, $throwExceptionForDuplication
} else {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException (
"[".get_class()."] Route is not possible to assign"
." (key: `{$routeName}`, value: `" . serialize($route) . "`)."
$this->anyRoutesConfigured = count($routes) > 0 || $this->preRouteMatchingHandler !== NULL;
return $this;
* @inheritDocs
* @param \MvcCore\Route|array $routeCfgOrRoute
* Route instance or route config array.
* @param string|NULL $groupName
* Group name is first matched/parsed word in requested path to
* group routes by to try to match only routes you really need,
* not all of them. If `NULL` by default, routes are inserted
* into default group.
* @param bool $prepend
* Optional, if `TRUE`, given route will be prepended,
* not appended.
* @param bool $throwExceptionForDuplication
* `TRUE` by default. Throw an exception, if route `name` or
* route `Controller:Action` has been defined already. If
* `FALSE` old route is over-written by new one.
* @return \MvcCore\Router
public function AddRoute ($routeCfgOrRoute, $groupName = NULL, $prepend = FALSE, $throwExceptionForDuplication = TRUE) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Router */
$instance = $this->getRouteInstance($routeCfgOrRoute);
$routeName = $instance->GetName();
$controllerAction = $instance->GetControllerAction();
if ($throwExceptionForDuplication) {
$errorMsgs = [];
if (isset($this->routes[$routeName]))
$errorMsgs[] = 'Route with name `'.$routeName.'` has already been defined between router routes.';
if (isset($this->urlRoutes[$controllerAction]))
$errorMsgs[] = 'Route with `Controller:Action` combination: `'.$controllerAction.'` has already been defined between router routes.';
if ($errorMsgs) {
$debBack = debug_backtrace();
$debBackLength = count($debBack);
if ($debBackLength > 1) {
$debBackSemiFinalRec = $debBack[$debBackLength - 2];
$file = str_replace('\\', '/', $debBackSemiFinalRec['file']);
$bootstrapFilePath = '/App/Bootstrap.php';
if (mb_strpos($file, $bootstrapFilePath) === mb_strlen($file) - mb_strlen($bootstrapFilePath))
die('['.get_class().'] '.implode(' ',$errorMsgs));
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('['.get_class().'] '.implode(' ',$errorMsgs));
$this->urlRoutes[$routeName] = $instance;
if ($controllerAction !== ':') $this->urlRoutes[$controllerAction] = $instance;
$this->addRouteToGroup ($instance, $routeName, $groupName, $prepend);
if ($prepend) {
$newItem = [$routeName => $instance];
$this->routes = $newItem + $this->routes;
} else {
$this->routes[$routeName] = $instance;
$this->anyRoutesConfigured = TRUE;
return $this;
* Add route instance into named routes group. Every routes group is chosen
* in routing moment by first parsed word from requested URL.
* @param \MvcCore\Route $route A route instance reference.
* @param string $routeName Route name.
* @param string|NULL $groupName Group name, first parsed word from requested URL.
* @param bool $prepend IF `TRUE`, prepend route instance, `FALSE` otherwise.
* @return void
protected function addRouteToGroup (\MvcCore\IRoute $route, $routeName, $groupName, $prepend) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Router */
if ($groupName === NULL) {
$routesGroupsKey = '';
} else {
$routesGroupsKey = $groupName;
if (isset($this->routesGroups[$routesGroupsKey])) {
$groupRoutes = & $this->routesGroups[$routesGroupsKey];
} else {
$groupRoutes = [];
$this->routesGroups[$routesGroupsKey] = & $groupRoutes;
if ($prepend) {
$newItem = [$routeName => $route];
$groupRoutes = $newItem + $groupRoutes;
} else {
$groupRoutes[$routeName] = $route;
* @inheritDocs
* @param string|\MvcCore\Route $routeOrRouteName
* @return bool
public function HasRoute ($routeOrRouteName) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Router */
if (is_string($routeOrRouteName)) {
return isset($this->routes[$routeOrRouteName]);
} else /*if ($routeOrRouteName instance of \MvcCore\IRoute)*/ {
return (
isset($this->routes[$routeOrRouteName->GetName()]) ||
//return FALSE;
* @inheritDocs
* @param string $routeName
* @return \MvcCore\Route|NULL
public function RemoveRoute ($routeName) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Router */
$result = NULL;
if (isset($this->routes[$routeName])) {
$result = $this->routes[$routeName];
$this->removeRouteFromGroup($result, $routeName);
$controllerAction = $result->GetControllerAction();
if (isset($this->urlRoutes[$routeName]))
if (isset($this->urlRoutes[$controllerAction]))
/** @var $currentRoute \MvcCore\Route */
$currentRoute = $this->currentRoute;
if ($currentRoute->GetName() === $result->GetName())
$this->currentRoute = NULL;
if (!$this->routes && $this->preRouteMatchingHandler === NULL)
$this->anyRoutesConfigured = FALSE;
return $result;
* Unset route from defined group. This method doesn't unset the route
* from router object to not be possible to create URL by given route anymore.
* This does route method: `\MvcCore\Route::RemoveRoute($routeName);`.
* @param \MvcCore\IRoute $route
* @param string $routeName
* @return void
protected function removeRouteFromGroup (\MvcCore\IRoute $route, $routeName) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Router */
$routeGroup = $route->GetGroupName();
$groupRoutesKey = $routeGroup ?: '';
if (isset($this->routesGroups[$groupRoutesKey]))
* @inheritDocs
* @param string|NULL $groupName
* Group name is first matched/parsed word in requested path to
* group routes by to try to match only routes you really need,
* not all of them. If `NULL` by default, there are returned
* all routes from all groups.
* @return \MvcCore\Route[]
public function GetRoutes ($groupName = NULL) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Router */
if ($groupName !== NULL)
return $this->routesGroups[$groupName];
return $this->routes;
* @inheritDocs
* @return \MvcCore\Route|NULL
public function GetRoute ($routeName) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Router */
if (isset($this->routes[$routeName]))
return $this->routes[$routeName];
return NULL;
* @inheritDocs
* @param \MvcCore\Route $currentRoute
* @return \MvcCore\Router
public function SetCurrentRoute (\MvcCore\IRoute $currentRoute) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Router */
/** @var $currentRoute \MvcCore\Route */
$this->currentRoute = $currentRoute;
return $this;
* @inheritDocs
* @return \MvcCore\Route
public function GetCurrentRoute () {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Router */
return $this->currentRoute;
* Get always route instance from given route configuration data or return
* already created given instance.
* @param \MvcCore\Route|array $routeCfgOrRoute Route instance or route config array.
* @return \MvcCore\Route
protected function getRouteInstance (& $routeCfgOrRoute) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Router */
if ($routeCfgOrRoute instanceof \MvcCore\IRoute)
return $routeCfgOrRoute->SetRouter($this);
$routeClass = self::$routeClass;
return $routeClass::CreateInstance($routeCfgOrRoute)->SetRouter($this);