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namespace MvcCore\Tool;
trait Helpers {
protected static $tmpDir = NULL;
public static function GetSystemTmpDir () {
if (self::$tmpDir === NULL) {
$tmpDir = sys_get_temp_dir();
if (strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'win') {
$sysRoot = getenv('SystemRoot');
if (!$tmpDir || $tmpDir === $sysRoot) {
$tmpDir = !empty($_SERVER['TEMP'])
: (!empty($_SERVER['TMP'])
: (!empty($_SERVER['WINDIR'])
? $_SERVER['WINDIR'] . '/Temp'
: $sysRoot . '/Temp'
$tmpDir = str_replace('\\', '/', $tmpDir);
} else if (!$tmpDir) {
$iniSysTempDir = @ini_get('sys_temp_dir');
$tmpDir = !empty($_SERVER['TMPDIR'])
: (!empty($_SERVER['TMP'])
: (!empty($iniSysTempDir)
? $iniSysTempDir
: '/tmp'
self::$tmpDir = $tmpDir;
return self::$tmpDir;
public static function IsQueryString ($queryStr) {
$queryStr = trim($queryStr, '&=');
$apmsCount = substr_count($queryStr, '&');
$equalsCount = substr_count($queryStr, '=');
$firstAndLast = mb_substr($queryStr, 0, 1) . mb_substr($queryStr, -1, 1);
if ($firstAndLast === '{}' || $firstAndLast === '[]') return FALSE;
if ($apmsCount === 0 && $equalsCount === 0) return FALSE;
if ($equalsCount > 0) $equalsCount -= 1;
if ($equalsCount === 0) return TRUE;
return $apmsCount / $equalsCount >= 1;
public static function Invoke ($internalFnOrHandler, array $args, callable $onError) {
$prevErrorHandler = NULL;
$prevErrorHandler = set_error_handler(
function ($errLevel, $errMessage, $errFile, $errLine, $errContext) use ($onError, & $prevErrorHandler, $internalFnOrHandler) {
if ($errFile === '' && defined('HHVM_VERSION'))
$errFile = func_get_arg(5)[1]['file'];
if ($errFile === __FILE__) {
$funcNameStr = is_string($internalFnOrHandler)
? $internalFnOrHandler
: (is_array($internalFnOrHandler) && count($internalFnOrHandler) === 2
? $internalFnOrHandler[1]
: strval($internalFnOrHandler)
$errMessage = preg_replace("#^$funcNameStr\(.*?\): #", '', $errMessage);
if ($onError($errMessage, $errLevel, $errFile, $errLine, $errContext) !== FALSE)
return TRUE;
return $prevErrorHandler
? call_user_func_array($prevErrorHandler, func_get_args())
try {
return call_user_func_array($internalFnOrHandler, $args);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return NULL;
public static function AtomicWrite (
$writeMode = 'w',
$lockWaitMilliseconds = 100,
$maxLockWaitMilliseconds = 5000,
$oldLockMillisecondsTolerance = 30000
) {
$waitUTime = $lockWaitMilliseconds * 1000;
$lockHandle = NULL;
$tmpDir = self::GetSystemTmpDir();
$lockFullPath = $tmpDir . '/mvccore_lock_' . sha1($fullPath) . '.tmp';
set_error_handler(function ($level, $msg, $file, $line, $args) use (& $fullPath, & $lockFullPath, & $lockHandle) {
if ($level == E_WARNING) {
if (
mb_strpos($msg, 'fopen(' . $fullPath) === 0 ||
mb_strpos($msg, 'filemtime(' . $fullPath) === 0 ||
mb_strpos($msg, 'fopen(' . $lockFullPath) === 0 ||
mb_strpos($msg, 'filemtime(' . $lockFullPath) === 0
) {
if ($lockHandle !== NULL) {
@flock($lockHandle, LOCK_UN);
throw new \Exception ($msg);
return FALSE;
clearstatcache(TRUE, $lockFullPath);
if (file_exists($lockFullPath)) {
$fileModTime = @filemtime($lockFullPath);
if ($fileModTime !== FALSE) {
if (time() > $fileModTime + $oldLockMillisecondsTolerance)
$waitingTime = 0;
while (TRUE) {
clearstatcache(TRUE, $lockFullPath);
$lockHandle = @fopen($lockFullPath, 'x');
if ($lockHandle !== FALSE) break;
$waitingTime += $lockWaitMilliseconds;
if ($waitingTime > $maxLockWaitMilliseconds) {
throw new \Exception(
'Unable to create lock handle: `' . $lockFullPath
. '` for file: `' . $fullPath
. '`. Lock creation timeout. Try to clear cache: `'
. $tmpDir . '`'
if (!flock($lockHandle, LOCK_EX)) {
throw new \Exception(
'Unable to create lock handle: `' . $lockFullPath
. '` for file: `' . $fullPath
. '`. Lock creation timeout. Try to clear cache: `'
. $tmpDir . '`'
fwrite($lockHandle, $fullPath);
clearstatcache(TRUE, $fullPath);
$handle = @fopen($fullPath, $writeMode);
if ($handle && !flock($handle, LOCK_EX))
$handle = FALSE;
if (!$handle) {
flock($lockHandle, LOCK_UN);
throw new \Exception(
'Unable to create locked handle for file: `' . $fullPath . '`.'
fwrite($handle, $content);
flock($handle, LOCK_UN);
flock($lockHandle, LOCK_UN);
$success = unlink($lockFullPath);
return $success;
public static function RealPathVirtual ($path) {
$path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path);
$rawParts = explode('/', $path);
$parts = array_filter($rawParts, 'strlen');
if ($rawParts[0] == '' && mb_substr($path, 0, 1) == '/')
array_unshift($parts, '');
$items = [];
foreach ($parts as $part) {
if ('.' == $part) continue;
if ('..' == $part) {
} else {
$items[] = $part;
return implode('/', $items);