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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Tool;
trait Reflection {
* Cache with keys by full interface class names and with values with
* only static and also only public method names by the interface name.
* @var array
protected static $cacheInterfStaticMths = [];
* Key/value store for parsed reflection attributes constructor arguments.
* @var array
protected static $cacheAttrsArgs = [];
* Prefered PHP classes and properties anontation.
* `FALSE` by default, older PHP Docs tags anotations are default
* because of maximum compatibility.
* @var bool
protected static $attributesAnotation = FALSE;
* @inheritDocs
* @param bool $attributesAnotation
* @return bool
public static function SetAttributesAnotations ($attributesAnotation = TRUE) {
return self::$attributesAnotation = $attributesAnotation;
* @inheritDocs
* @return bool
public static function GetAttributesAnotations () {
return self::$attributesAnotation;
* @inheritDocs
* @param string $testClassName Full test class name.
* @param string $interfaceName Full interface class name.
* @param bool $checkStaticMethods Check implementation of all static methods by interface static methods.
* @param bool $throwException If `TRUE`, throw an exception if something is not implemented or if `FALSE` return `FALSE` only.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @return bool
public static function CheckClassInterface ($testClassName, $interfaceName, $checkStaticMethods = FALSE, $throwException = TRUE) {
$result = FALSE;
$errorMsg = '';
// check given test class for all implemented instance methods by given interface
$interfaceName = trim($interfaceName, '\\');
$testClassType = new \ReflectionClass($testClassName);
if (in_array($interfaceName, $testClassType->getInterfaceNames(), TRUE)) {
$result = TRUE;
} else {
$errorMsg = "Class `{$testClassName}` doesn't implement interface `{$interfaceName}`.";
if ($result && $checkStaticMethods) {
// check given test class for all implemented static methods by given interface
$allStaticsImplemented = TRUE;
$interfaceMethods = static::checkClassInterfaceGetPublicStaticMethods($interfaceName);
foreach ($interfaceMethods as $methodName) {
if (!$testClassType->hasMethod($methodName)) {
$allStaticsImplemented = FALSE;
$errorMsg = "Class `{$testClassName}` doesn't implement static method `{$methodName}` from interface `{$interfaceName}`.";
// arguments compatibility in presented static method are automatically checked by PHP
if (!$allStaticsImplemented)
$result = FALSE;
// return result or thrown an exception
if ($result) return TRUE;
if (!$throwException) return FALSE;
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("[".get_class()."] " . $errorMsg);
* @inheritDocs
* @param string $testClassName Full test class name.
* @param string $traitName Full trait class name.
* @param bool $checkParentClasses If `TRUE`, trait implementation will be checked on all parent classes until success. Default is `FALSE`.
* @param bool $throwException If `TRUE`, throw an exception if trait is not implemented or if `FALSE` return `FALSE` only.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @return boolean
public static function CheckClassTrait ($testClassName, $traitName, $checkParentClasses = FALSE, $throwException = TRUE) {
$result = FALSE;
$errorMsg = '';
// check given test class for all implemented instance methods by given interface
$testClassType = new \ReflectionClass($testClassName);
if (in_array($traitName, $testClassType->getTraitNames(), TRUE)) {
$result = TRUE;
} else if ($checkParentClasses) {
$currentClassType = $testClassType;
while (TRUE) {
$parentClass = $currentClassType->getParentClass();
if ($parentClass === FALSE) break;
$parentClassType = new \ReflectionClass($parentClass->getName());
if (in_array($traitName, $parentClassType->getTraitNames(), TRUE)) {
$result = TRUE;
} else {
$currentClassType = $parentClassType;
if (!$result)
$errorMsg = "Class `{$testClassName}` doesn't implement trait `{$traitName}`.";
// return result or thrown an exception
if ($result) return TRUE;
if (!$throwException) return FALSE;
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("[".get_class()."] " . $errorMsg);
* @inheritDocs
* @param string|object $classFullNameOrInstance Class instance or full class name.
* @param \string[] $attrsClassesOrDocsTags Array with attribute(s) full class names
* or array with PhpDocs tag(s) name(s).
* @param bool|NULL $preferAttributes Prefered way to get meta data. `TRUE` means try
* to get PHP8+ attribute(s) only, `FALSE` means
* try to get PhpDocs tag(s) only and `NULL` (default)
* means try to get PHP8+ attribute(s) first and if
* there is nothing, try to get PhpDocs tag(s).
* @return array Keys are attributes full class names (or PhpDocs tags names) and values
* are attributes constructor arguments (or PhpDocs tags arguments).
public static function GetClassAttrsArgs ($classFullNameOrInstance, $attrsClassesOrDocsTags, $preferAttributes = NULL) {
$result = [];
$attrsOnly = $preferAttributes === TRUE;
$docsTagsOnly = $preferAttributes === FALSE;
$reflectionObject = new \ReflectionClass($classFullNameOrInstance);
foreach ($attrsClassesOrDocsTags as $attrClassOrDocsTag)
$result[$attrClassOrDocsTag] = static::getAttrArgsOrPhpDocTagArgs(
implode('|', ['cls', $classFullNameOrInstance, $attrClassOrDocsTag]),
$reflectionObject, $attrClassOrDocsTag, $attrsOnly, $docsTagsOnly
return $result;
* @inheritDocs
* @param string|object $classFullNameOrInstance Class instance or full class name.
* @param string $methodName Class method name.
* @param \string[] $attrsClassesOrDocsTags Array with attribute(s) full class names
* or array with PhpDocs tag(s) name(s).
* @param bool|NULL $preferAttributes Prefered way to get meta data. `TRUE` means try
* to get PHP8+ attribute(s) only, `FALSE` means
* try to get PhpDocs tag(s) only and `NULL` (default)
* means try to get PHP8+ attribute(s) first and if
* there is nothing, try to get PhpDocs tag(s).
* @return array Keys are attributes full class names (or PhpDocs tags names) and values
* are attributes constructor arguments (or PhpDocs tags arguments).
public static function GetMethodAttrsArgs ($classFullNameOrInstance, $methodName, $attrsClassesOrDocsTags, $preferAttributes = NULL) {
$result = [];
$attrsOnly = $preferAttributes === TRUE;
$docsTagsOnly = $preferAttributes === FALSE;
$reflectionObject = new \ReflectionMethod($classFullNameOrInstance, $methodName);
$classMethodFullName = $classFullNameOrInstance . '::' . $methodName;
foreach ($attrsClassesOrDocsTags as $attrClassOrDocsTag)
$result[$attrClassOrDocsTag] = static::getAttrArgsOrPhpDocTagArgs(
implode('|', ['mthd', $classMethodFullName, $attrClassOrDocsTag]),
$reflectionObject, $attrClassOrDocsTag, $attrsOnly, $docsTagsOnly
return $result;
* @inheritDocs
* @param string|object $classFullNameOrInstance Class instance or full class name.
* @param string $propertyName Class property name.
* @param \string[] $attrsClassesOrDocsTags Array with attribute(s) full class names
* or array with PhpDocs tag(s) name(s).
* @param bool|NULL $preferAttributes Prefered way to get meta data. `TRUE` means try
* to get PHP8+ attribute(s) only, `FALSE` means
* try to get PhpDocs tag(s) only and `NULL` (default)
* means try to get PHP8+ attribute(s) first and if
* there is nothing, try to get PhpDocs tag(s).
* @return array Keys are attributes full class names (or PhpDocs tags names) and values
* are attributes constructor arguments (or PhpDocs tags arguments).
public static function GetPropertyAttrsArgs ($classFullNameOrInstance, $propertyName, $attrsClassesOrDocsTags, $preferAttributes = NULL) {
$result = [];
$attrsOnly = $preferAttributes === TRUE;
$docsTagsOnly = $preferAttributes === FALSE;
$reflectionObject = new \ReflectionProperty($classFullNameOrInstance, $propertyName);
$classPropFullName = $classFullNameOrInstance . '::' . $propertyName;
foreach ($attrsClassesOrDocsTags as $attrClassOrDocsTag)
$result[$attrClassOrDocsTag] = static::getAttrArgsOrPhpDocTagArgs(
implode('|', ['prop', $classPropFullName, $attrClassOrDocsTag]),
$reflectionObject, $attrClassOrDocsTag, $attrsOnly, $docsTagsOnly
return $result;
* Get (cached) reflection object attribute(s) constructor arguments or
* get reflection object PhpDocs tags and it's arguments for older PHP versions.
* Set result into local memory cache. You can optionally set prefered way
* to get desired meta data by last two arguments.
* @param string $cacheKey Result cache key.
* @param \ReflectionClass|\ReflectionMethod|\ReflectionProperty $reflectionObject Reflection object to get attributes/tags from.
* @param string $attrClassOrDocsTag Attributes class full names (or PhpDocs tags).
* @param bool $attrsOnly `TRUE` to get PHP8+ attributes only, do not fall back to PhpDocs tags.
* @param bool $docsTagsOnly `TRUE` to get PhpDocs tags only, do not try PHP8+ attributes.
* @return array Keys are attributes full class names (or PhpDocs tags names) and values
* are attributes constructor arguments (or PhpDocs tags arguments).
protected static function getAttrArgsOrPhpDocTagArgs ($cacheKey, $reflectionObject, $attrClassOrDocsTag, $attrsOnly, $docsTagsOnly) {
if (array_key_exists($cacheKey, self::$cacheAttrsArgs)) {
$result = self::$cacheAttrsArgs[$cacheKey];
} else {
if ($attrsOnly) {
$result = static::GetAttrCtorArgs(
$reflectionObject, $attrClassOrDocsTag
} else if ($docsTagsOnly) {
$result = static::GetPhpDocsTagArgs(
$reflectionObject, $attrClassOrDocsTag
} else {
$result = static::GetAttrCtorArgs(
$reflectionObject, $attrClassOrDocsTag
if ($result === NULL)
$result = static::GetPhpDocsTagArgs(
$reflectionObject, $attrClassOrDocsTag
self::$cacheAttrsArgs[$cacheKey] = $result;
return $result;
* @inheritDocs
* @param \ReflectionClass|\ReflectionMethod|\ReflectionProperty $reflectionObject
* @param string $attributeClassFullName
* @return array|NULL
public static function GetAttrCtorArgs ($reflectionObject, $attributeClassFullName) {
$result = NULL;
$traversing = $reflectionObject instanceof \ReflectionClass;
while (TRUE) {
$attrs = $reflectionObject->getAttributes($attributeClassFullName);
if (count($attrs) > 0) {
$result = $attrs[0]->getArguments();
if ($traversing) {
$reflectionObject = $reflectionObject->getParentClass();
if ($reflectionObject === FALSE) break;
} else {
return $result;
* @inheritDocs
* @param \ReflectionClass|\ReflectionMethod|\ReflectionProperty $reflectionObject
* @param string $phpDocsTagName
* @return array|NULL
public static function GetPhpDocsTagArgs ($reflectionObject, $phpDocsTagName) {
$result = NULL;
$traversing = $reflectionObject instanceof \ReflectionClass;
while (TRUE) {
$docComment = $reflectionObject->getDocComment();
$tagPos = mb_strpos($docComment, $phpDocsTagName);
if ($tagPos !== FALSE) {
$result = [];
preg_match("#{$phpDocsTagName}\s+([^\r\n\*@]+)#", $docComment, $matches, 0, $tagPos);
if ($matches && count($matches) > 1) {
$rawResult = explode(',', $matches[1]);
foreach ($rawResult as $rawItem) {
$rawItem = trim($rawItem);
if ($rawItem !== '')
$result[] = $rawItem;
if ($traversing) {
$reflectionObject = $reflectionObject->getParentClass();
if ($reflectionObject === FALSE) break;
} else {
return $result;
* Complete array with only static and also only public method names by given interface name.
* Return completed array and cache it in static local array.
* @param string $interfaceName
* @return array
protected static function & checkClassInterfaceGetPublicStaticMethods ($interfaceName) {
if (!isset(static::$cacheInterfStaticMths[$interfaceName]))
static::$cacheInterfStaticMths[$interfaceName] = array_map(
function (\ReflectionMethod $method) {
return $method->name;
(new \ReflectionClass($interfaceName))->getMethods(
return static::$cacheInterfStaticMths[$interfaceName];